CMSA Foundation wants to pay a tribute to chapters who are actively incorporating CMSA Foundation awareness and fundraising into their local programs and activities.
Thank you to the 2023 chapter donors!
CMSA Foundation Silent Auction
The CMSA Foundation is proud to partner with the CMSA chapters to host this special fundraiser at the 2021 CMSA Annual Conference. Many thanks to our contributing chapters, and to our supporters. Your creativity and support was overwhelming! We had a total of 26 baskets and raised $4,915 on bids. There were also an additional $325 direct donations given, as well!
Chapter Donors at 2019 Conference
A special thanks to a few chapters that reached into their pockets at the CMSA Annual Conference - Tulsa, OK; New York City, NY; and Kansas City, Mo each donated $500. These funds were also matched by Peggy Leonard who donated $1,500!
Also, special thanks to the Southern Colorado CMSA in Colorado Springs for signing up to become a monthly recurring donor!
Many thanks to all the chapter leaders that came by the booth and showed your support to the Foundation!
Case Management Society of New England Conference, March 2019
Foundation Booth and Raffle - Raised $450 to donate to the Foundation.
Hudson Valley Chapter Meeting
During the December 2018 Hudson Valley Chapter Meeting, CMSA Foundation Board Members Sheilah McGlone and Alan Boardman take a photo with their former WCAP Case Management team. Afterwards, they were all ready to Christmas shop on AmazonSmile and support the CMSA Foundation! Thank you for your support, and Happy Holidays! —
During their 2018 Case Management Week conference, the Case Management Society of New England (CMSNE) raised $615 with the help of current CMSA Foundation Board Member, Patricia Noonan, and Foundation Past President, Peggy Leonard. They raffled a basket full of many terrific items, and created a booth with information to raise awareness of the Foundation.
Kansas City CMSA
During the 2018 Case Management Week, Kansas City CMSA raised $149 on two raffles donated by current CMSA Foundation President, Deborah Gutteridge. One was a bouquet of candy bars, and one a Chiefs cup with fun party items!
NY Capital Region
The NY Capital Region Chapter hosted a raffle for the Foundation and raised $145 on October 24, 2018.